Our Services

From offer screening to waitlist registration, Buckeye Transplant provides industry-leading coordination services that combine carefully calibrated clinical expertise with accelerating technology. We respond to more organ offers and partner with more transplant centers than any other company in our field. Importantly, we strategically invest in technology and continuous service improvement, helping our clients optimize their transplant programs and yield the best patient outcomes.

Offer Triage

Reduce the offer noise

UNET and OPTN policies, ideal offer criteria, individual recipient needs, and total waitlist recipient volume can create an often-complex factor combination that can be difficult to manage. Buckeye’s triage services reduce a surgical team’s offer processing and evaluation burden.

Our triage process quickly identifies the right offers for individual recipients based on transplant center criteria, combined with surgical team preferences. Once the right offer offers are identified, our team transitions all necessary and relevant data to transplant center coordinators. Using our service, transplant centers benefit from a cost-optimized offer triage service that helps focus center staff on the most relevant offers without “offer noise.”

Offer Handling

Effective Management

We establish transplant center-focused screening criteria, curated, and managed by our expert screeners. The offer evaluation process ensures that the right offers are presented to surgical teams and coordinated for a successful transplant. Service activities may include the following:

  1. Processing Offer NotificationLog into DonorNet® transplant centers notification within mandated DonorNet® applicable policies.

  2. Evaluate Offer – Accept or decline organ offers based on organ-specific transplant center criteria.

  3. Enter Necessary Data Into DonorNet® – Enter required data based on the offer evaluation outcome.

  4. Record Keeping – Log our discussions with your transplant teams and decisions, including (if applicable) from the surgical team.

  5. CommunicationReview accepted organ offers with an on-call physician or designee.

  6. Standard Reporting – Standard reports based on decisions and actions we helped you with are sent by the end of the month.

Case Handling

White Glove service

When offers become primary or backup, the Buckeye clinical team takes action. We work with a transplant center’s surgical teams to help manage and coordinate organ transplants. Depending on each client’s needs, our team will create a case and engage in some or all of the following activities:

  1. Logistics Service – Coordinating organ recovery team and isolated organ transportation.

  2. Close Custody Control – Continuous communication with the transplant surgical team on organ recovery status, location, and estimated arrival time.

  3. Recipient Admissions Process – Facilitate recipient transplant center admission, including admission paperwork, and room assignment.

  4. Internal Communications – Communication with internal hospital departments to facilitate recipient test and implant process.

  5. Active Case Communication – Provide continual updates to surgical teams regarding recipient readiness, OR scheduling, complete test results, and updated Go / No Go decisions.

Supplemental Service Offerings

Beyond our core coordination services, Buckeye has introduced new services that bring additional innovation to our transplant center clients. These services can be contracted in concert with our coordination services or as stand alone services.

Waitlist Services

Keeping recipients on the list

Buckeye provides a critical link between waitlisted recipient clinical readiness and an eventual offer. Buckeye’s solution blends a technical solution with clinical expertise to effectively manage a transplant center’s waitlist/recipient list. Included in this service:

  • Regular recipient check-ins on the current health state.

  • Periodic health data reviews to ensure current test results and recipient meets transplant suitability criteria.

  • Periodic recipient reviews with a surgeon and their teams.

  • Management of recipient status on the national waitlist.

NOTE: Recipient health data originates and is actively managed in the Transplant Center’s EMR. Buckeye will work with our clients to choose the best integration path for securing and exchanging the necessary health data.

Virtual Cross-Match


Transplant success is predicated on the right, most compatible organ match. Buckeye offers a rapid virtual cross-match service that provides genetic compatibility insight between a potential donor organ and a specific recipient. This rapid virtual cross-match service can also coordinate HLA labs and related parties to facilitate hard cross-matches if desired. Our virtual cross-match service helps provide transplant centers with cost-effective insight and enables better transplant decisions.

Enhanced Reporting

Real insight in real time

Buckeye provides transplant centers with unparalleled views of the transplant decisions we have supported you with. We provide customizable reports of your transplant center’s data, your EMR, Buckeye coordinator actions, and (soon) key decision insights to help centers refine their target offers and transplant success criteria. All of this power is delivered both to a full PC experience and most mobile devices through a secure and real-time interface.